Wednesday 22 June 2016

Mischief Maker

She's at it again! This time, to celebrate the official completion of my A Level English Literature course! After robbing the folk at Bree, she ventures off into the west with her new garments, playing the role of a gambler, risking with her 'hard earned money.' But the Dwarves of Ered Luin know a trouble maker when they see one and wouldn't let themselves be toyed by a Hobbit!

It seems she finds similar places in all areas for lodging. I wonder if she chooses to rest her silly head on those hard tiles by intent or if she simply gets butted out everywhere else! Nonetheless, her new shoulderpads should serve as good cushions for her head, considering how thick they are with the extra padding on either side.

She thinks that putting on a large green top hat and a fancy red robe will get everyone believing she's a true classy gambler that might bring good sport to the Dwarves, but these stout men know far too much more about their gold than she does and wouldn't fall for her pesky mischievous tricks!

This was the first outfit I put together for Brina as it consisted of easy-to-get cosmetics from the Skirmish Camp. Not only that, but I had at the time played the blue line called The Gambler, and that's where I got my inspiration for this outfit. I wanted to create an outfit that showed a more classy side to the burglar class, as many burglar outfits I've seen online tend to go with the more dark and shady look (one which I also have for Brina). I just thought it would be fun to be different, and fun is after all everything that Brina seeks.

Sigh... Can I not give a proper commentary on your outfit without you finding trouble with these Dwarf folk? I really enjoy mixing colours together, especially in LOTRO, where very few take the risk of bright colour contrasts in their outfits. I especially love how the greens, yellows and reds mix so well in this outfit, reminding me of the time when the Tunic and Trousers of New Bloom from the Spring Festival had the undyeable yellow belt and green top (which now has been turned into dyeable space, which I don't enjoy one bit!) - I had created a nice colourful outfit for Eadyth that never lived to see the return of this blog simply because Turbine took that feature away and I discarded the outfit almost immediately. 

And now she's throwing a tantrum. Bear with me, readers. BRINA! GET DOWN FROM THERE! Sorry about that; she's quite the child. Her buddy Halygr couldn't stand her misbehaving he simply left. I'm so sorry for her troublesome nature, but thank you so much for taking the time to help take these wonderful pictures once again!

Head: Extravagant Festival Hat (dark green);
Shoulders: Padded Mantle of the Soothsayer (olive);
Chest: Ceremonial Silver-voice Robe (red);
Hands: Extravagant Festival Gloves (olive);
Feet: Ceremonial Pathfinder's Boots (olive).

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